Sunday, January 13, 2013

Multimedia arts and end of life

multimedia public service announcement

Last week i was taking care of an old patient who was dying slowly in the hospital, which i do regularly.  the patient was  what we call comfort care (kind of like being in hospice).  it reminded me of my time spent in the ICU, rounding on patient after patient on life support machines.  these patients are immobilized and sedated with a cocktail  of drugs, and or physical restraints.
The point is that these people are exposed to whatever multimedia, usually auditory in nature, that the hospital staff chooses.  patients who have the good fortune to have family members who are sensitive to this phenomena will select the audio environment, and give note to the nurses etc.

We all need to be aware that this may befall us.  some of us couldn't care less, but those of us that may be sensitive to this should document, and prepare for this possibility.  quite frankly it scared me, and could very well be a disturbing way to move to the next phase of being.
carry on.

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