Thursday, December 6, 2012

first week exploring multimedia integration with my patients.

Last week i began using a multimedia system with my patients.  with this system we look at our bodies together using video, audio, and a structured light scanner.  my first insight was with a patient who was tired and quite frankly not taking very good care of themselves.  this younger individual was disgusted when viewing the ear canal.  upon reflection i wondered about this response which was very different from all other patients who i used the system with.  most of us have some wax in our ear canals, but everyone else was more fascinated by seeing this aspect of their body than disgusted.

clearly one individual is only one individual but there is a difference between looking at a number like blood pressure, or lab results and seeing ourselves, becoming body aware.  will being confronted with more of our real bodies have an effect on us? will exploring our health through multimedia be more beneficial to certain individuals as we attempt to move towards greater health?  how can this be used to our collective advantage?  i'm curious to see.

1 comment:

mark valentine said...

Sounds promising. It might be interesting to extend this to contexts beyond the office, into other domains of life. Here's a project that seems like it could be